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Friday, September 25, 2009

The JOY Challenge: Day 25

I am linking with Holley from in(courage) on her 40 day journey to choose joy. Won't you join us? If you would like to jump back to day 1 of my journey, click here. Or, to jump back to day 1 of her journey, click here.

Not sure where this is going to take me today, but here goes.

Today, I choose joy in my Father's gift of His Word to me. His Living Word, Jesus Christ, and His written word, the Bible.

Reading a friend's blog the other day, I was drawn to a verse she shared, but in a little bit of a different way than she presented it.

It is interesting to me in my current circumstances to think that God may have purposefully taken us the long way around on our journey of adoption because we might have changed our minds on the way that was nearer. I don't know why that stood out to me, but it did. Read the verses. I'm not even sure what it means yet, but it is something I have been pondering.

In any case, like I said at the beginning, I choose joy in God's written Word which is living and active to speak to me in every day life. Like the verse above did.

I also choose joy in God's Living Word, Jesus Christ, who provides me HOPE every day of my life. Even, no especially, when I can't feel it... or see it. Did you know that one of the meanings of that word is to wait for salvation. Now, like many of you, I am already saved. Churchy word, isn't it? Take it in a different context, though. What else in your life needs salvation? Your marriage, your job, your children? For me, it is my motherhood. So I wait for His salvation... and I HOPE.

How are you choosing joy today?

Living in His JOY, HOPE, and PEACE...

***Don't forget to pray for someone today!


Unknown said...

The Word is alive and I'm thankful to have it.

-stephanie- said...

AMEN! His Word is all we need.

Mel said...

i love your joy posts!!!

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