Short for "Cinnamon Toast Crunch," a combination of my Mama and my Daddy's bloggy names! I am a little man who likes to eat, sleep, smile, and go for rides in my really sweet stroller wheels! Sometimes I fuss a bit because of the bubbles in my tummy, but Mama thinks I am one pretty easy going dude! Click on my picture to learn more about me! :o)
Short for "Cinnamon Crunch," my most favorite breakfast bagel treat! I am a 30-something, totally Type-A, slightly OCD, yet somehow cluttered woman of FAITH. I love JESUS, my husband, my family, and my SON!!! I value peace, yet appreciate what God has taught me through the trying and sometimes painful circumstances of life in this fallen world. I enjoy writing (especially blogging), reading, watching tv, and playing with our dogs. My continual prayer for this blog is that God will help me to share the experiences of my life in a way that would minister to others and bring glory to Him!
Short for "Double Toasted" ~the way he likes his bagels prepared~ D.T. is my very handsome, European-born, multi-talented singer, chef, motorcycle loving, theologian husband! Like everything else in his life, he enjoys a plain or sesame bagel very "well done!" I am so blessed that God brought Double T all the way across the world to be with me, and I look forward to growing very old together!
Time in Romania
Goldie Marie
Our 4 year old pound puppy. Also affectionately known as Golda, Maria, Mitzi, Itsy, Itsy Bitsy, and anything else Double T can come up with! :-) Goldie loves to play with squeaky balls, race around the back yard, chew a good bone, bark until she gets what she wants, and ignore her annoying little puppy brother.
Benjamin Henry
Our 2 year old "Jackabee" (1/2 jack russel, 1/2 beagle) puppy that was born on Super Bowl Sunday 2008 . Also affectionately known as Ben, Bennie, Boo-boo, Moo-moo, Mushu, Mushulika, Mushulescu, and once again, anything else Double T can come up with! Ben loves to attack his older puppy sister, howl, chew sticks, pull stuffing out of toys, watch TV, and curl up in anyone's lap for a good snooze.
I won't apologize for not posting until now. It would be futile. Some things are too good to pass up, though, so here is a short clip for your viewing pleasure! C.T.C. is showing some good rhythm here (LOVE the head! Ha!), and D.T. is certain he will be a singer someday! ;o)
Welcome back to "Not me" Monday... and my blog. Please remember to stop by MckMama's place to see what everyone else has not been up to this week. ;o)
I was not super excited when I saw MckMama's post on facebook with a NMM post! I did not used to love to participate in this little bit of fun, so I was not ready to hop back on the bandwagon! It is not the first thing I have posted in a long time, other than cop-out videos of our son's latest achievements. LOL! ;o)
I am not writing this in the tub as our son naps in the next room.
I am not having a really bad case of writer's block or mama brain and I do not think I have lost my bloggy touch. :-/
Our son is not 7 months old today, and I have not still neglected to write his 3-6 month update! What's up with that? He did not also begin to army crawl today!!! It is not time to BABY PROOF!!! Yikes! ;o)
Well, I may be a bit overexcited in this video... but I was so happy to finally catch our little man in action on VIDEO!!! I've tried faaaaar too many times... now, finally... SUCCESS... for him + ME!!!!! ;o)