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Sunday, September 20, 2009

The JOY Challenge: Day 20

I am linking with Holley from in(courage) on her 40 day journey to choose joy. Won't you join us? If you would like to jump back to day 1 of my journey, click here. Or, to jump back to day 1 of her journey, click here.

Whew! Long day (weekend, for that matter), but very productive. Yesterday, D.T. and I picked out a paint color for the kitchen and painted a few test squares to see how we liked it.

No going back now.

We at least have to paint it some color... what with all the squares all over the room. Ha!

Funny ~ or pitiful ~ you decide... we've lived here for 3 years, and we haven't painted any room yet. This will be the first. Anyway, we LOVE the color, a very pretty shade of green... called crocodile tears. So today, we went out and bought a gallon along with a bunch of supplies.

This afternoon, I finished this week's assignment for class, and D.T. finished grading discussion boards. I'm so proud of us!

So, today, I choose joy in all the LORD helped us to accomplish. Success. It feels good! ;-)

How are you choosing joy today? What is God doing in your life? Please share!

Living in His JOY, HOPE, and PEACE...

***Don't forget to pray for someone today!


Tara said...

I remember before we settled on a color for our bonus room, we had 6 different paint color spots all around the room. Love the name crocodile tears...cute! Congrats on accomplishing so much this weekend!

Anonymous said...

I love the color!

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