Welcome to Memorial Box Monday,

I really liked Linny's post earlier today, because it is a perfect lead in to the thoughts I was already thinking and writing about! :o)
I think that God's protection doesn't just always come in a physical form like keeping you from an accident or providing enough money to meet a particular need, although it often does. I also think that God's protection can come in the form of living, breathing people and can be aimed directly at one's soul. For me, I believe that this, in fact, has been my sole protection throughout this entire journey of infertility and our pursuit of adoption.
There have been many, many, many (I thought it deserved a third many :o)) people who have been my protection through their prayers, presence, and encouragement. I think about C*****, who has been my email encouragement partner in adoption for many months now. I especially like that I got to meet her in person and have lunch with her, her husband, and their fabulous son! I REALLY like how God brought her to me through my blog and my willingness to share! I think about J***, who I only met because we were willing to open up our home to someone we had never met, who was willing to share my pain with her presence, even though there was no way for her to personally understand it. We have said that one day, we are going to open up a counseling practice together and all of our clients will just have to wait while we counsel each other in the back! LOL!!! :o) I LOVE that we were able to visit her beautiful home, her husband, their dogs, and her very spirited little girl! I LOVE that D.T. was able to cook dinner for them in their home! It's the time together! It's the willingness to share!
On to the actual story... just as an example...
This last week, we were SO pleased to receive something very special in the mail.

A response for some feedback very politely offered...

...from one of our favorite date or any occasion places! :o)

...with Hospitality!

Seriously?!?!?!? We were very excited, and decided to make an evening out of it this past Friday. I even said I would cheat. Unfortunately, my appetite does not usually agree with me on the quantity of food I can consume anymore. I didn't fret over what I ate, though. I had my usual. Made with Orecchiette. Lunch size (Good on the wallet)! Half (Good on the calories)! I also sipped a bit of the *NEW* lemonades D.T. ordered... YUMMY!!! We definitely had dessert, too! It was a very special night. Very relaxing.
Then, God orchestrated another bit of soul protection for me. We were sitting in a side booth. The last one in the row. Here and there, people were being seated, and as we were nearing the end of our meal, a couple was directed to the little two-seat table perpendicular to ours. As they passed by our table, D.T. obviously recognized them and introduced me. The man was a third-generation Romanian and could have been D.T.'s brother, if I didn't know any better! They stood by our table and chatted for awhile, and every few minutes, a waiter would glance over at their empty table. After about 10 minutes passed, we decided that they weren't ever going to be able to sit down and order, so we slid over for them to officially join us! We had the best waiter, anyway! :o)
The rest of the evening went by slowly and quickly at the same time. I had never met either of these people before that night, but you know me. That just doesn't matter. I am an open book. It was kind of funny. After D.T. gave his usual menu advice, :o) our conversations diverged. The husbands talked about who knows what while us wives shared our lives. We laughed (so did the guys!)... I cried... what's new?!? LOL! She prayed for me. God knew the decisions I am struggling with and gave me His best advice possible through the lips of this sweet woman.
Now, I have lots of friends. Many old, and some new, but all have been blessings, given to me by our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God! I am so grateful for each person He has put in my life! This week, I am opening up my virtual Memorial Box, and laying inside a drink coaster from our special friend-and faith-filled time at Olive Garden!
Who has God given to be a blessing in your life?
Living in His JOY, HOPE, and PEACE...

Stopping over from MBM...what a lovely reminder of how God blesses us....with people in our lives that are precious gifts from a loving God! Thank you for sharing this today
I need to go read the rest of this post...but I am stuck on the $50 gift card from OG! YUM!!
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