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Friday, July 09, 2010

{Week in Review}

I literally cannot believe that I have gone over a week without blogging. I guess I just do not have anything to say. That may be something that you cannot believe.

Allow me to give you a brief update of my week. Excuse me for a moment while I check my calendar to see what I have done. My brain is a bit fuzzy these days.


I was grateful for a day off for Independence Day! I did not post a "Not Me! Monday" because I was out of my routine, and I forgot about Memorial Box Monday. Oops. That was ok, though, because Linny took the day off, too.


I worked all day. Not happy to be back to work, but grateful that it would be a short week. :o)


I worked all day. In the evening, I did Day 1 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Technically, this was the second time I did Day 1 because I needed a two day break after the first time I did it. Man, is it HARD!!! I will do it, though. I will. I will. Not so sure about the push-ups, though. My arms are just not strong enough yet to hold my weight. Even doing the modified ones. Next time, I will do them against the wall.


I worked all day. We went shopping for groceries because we have a friend and her daughter coming for dinner tonight. That will be fun. I did not do the 30 Day Shred because I had to do homework for my class. Priorities, you know...

We did accomplish a few things this week, too. We got rid of the gargantuan pile of clothes! Off to Goodwill! We bought a cheap $2 holder for our paper towels to get them under the cupboards and off the counter. We also bought an over the door hanger for our shoes. Not the metal kind. The one with the material pockets. We like it a lot. It hangs inside D.T.'s closet. So, now there are no more shoes laying around. :o) We also took a bunch of stuff that we do not regularly use, and stored them up in our attic. There is more heading that way soon. Slowly, but surely...

On a dog note, Goldie has been sleeping on the couch at night. Finally. She did it on her own. As long as we leave the gate open and our bedroom door cracked open, she stays down there. Ahhhh... more room for us!

That's it. I know. We live an incredibly exciting life. Y'all want to be me now, don't you? Well, maybe you do. Total weight loss = 17.2 pounds! I know y'all want to do that! I am loving my clothes one to two sizes smaller! :o)

What's going on in your exciting lives?


Anonymous said...

WOW!! Way to go on 17 lbs, Erin!!


Anonymous said...

I have missed you! I was wondering where you had been :)

I feel ya on the Goodwill department. We just took 4 boxes the other day and boy does it feel good to get rid of that stuff.

CONGRATS on 17 lbs! WEEHOO!! That is just awesome! I am in the hospital now and can't wait to laugh my hiney off when I get on the Wii Fit in a couple of days! LOL! Miss you friend!!!

-stephanie- said...

Well...I have NOT been doing my 30 Day Shred, thus resulting in NOT losing 17.2 pounds.

Good for you in doing this though.

Anonymous said...

Great job on the weight loss!

Girl, I finally caught up on those episodes of Losing it with Jillian. Whew... I cried at every single episode. It's a great show!

I have one of those shoe holders too and I love it!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm posting a little late on this but YAY for 17lbs. I didn't get passed Day 6 of the shred...too much packing and well, no reason besides laziness really.
I love shoe holders. There is so much space when your shoes aren't on the floor! :)
DT's funnies up on the other post were crackin' me up. He sounds like a hoot to hang with.

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