Do any of you have a problem trusting God to provide for REALLY BIG things? Well, I do. I am a worrier and a planner by nature. You know. Type A. Yada, yada,... So, if I can't plan how it's all going to go down, I just worry about it. That's how it started out with our adoption.
I guess it's been a few years now since we really started thinking about it, and back then, my excuse for not adopting was always... We'll never be able to afford it. Um, sorry Linny. I know that is one of your pet peeves. Just keepin' it real, here.
So, the cost of adoption just seemed to be SO far out of our reach. We couldn't imagine having that much money all at once. Of course, different people encouraged us in different ways that God would provide, so we decided to step out in faith and go for it. After all, it cost us very little to put in our application. We figured we would just take it one thing at a time, and we did.
I guess it's been a few years now since we really started thinking about it, and back then, my excuse for not adopting was always... We'll never be able to afford it. Um, sorry Linny. I know that is one of your pet peeves. Just keepin' it real, here.
So, the cost of adoption just seemed to be SO far out of our reach. We couldn't imagine having that much money all at once. Of course, different people encouraged us in different ways that God would provide, so we decided to step out in faith and go for it. After all, it cost us very little to put in our application. We figured we would just take it one thing at a time, and we did.
Sometime around then, D.T. was blessed to be able to begin teaching classes online. The opportunity was certainly something we had hoped for, but never in our wildest imaginations did we think it would ever really happen. Of course, God is good like that. Providing in ways we cannot comprehend with our finite human minds. Well, this certainly provided. A lot... and all of a sudden, the big ticket price didn't seem quite so big anymore.
So, we continued piece by piece with the adoption. A set of fingerprints (or two... or three...) here. A medical form there. Then, there was the homestudy. That was the first big chunk of money (you know... not $50 or $100...) we were going to have to pay. We weren't entirely concerned because we knew we had money coming (Isn't it interesting how when God starts to bless you with some money, you stuff it away, begin to rely on yourself, and start to feel good about how much money you have in the bank?) from D.T.'s teaching. It just wasn't coming for a little while longer. So, we figured we would just wait. But, no. God had bigger plans. Quicker plans. Although, I do wonder what the big hurry was since we are still waiting now. Oh, well. I digress.
Some people from our church knew that the next step of our adoption was to complete the homestudy, and they asked us when we would be doing that. Did I mention that the wife half of this couple took it as her personal mission to push me through this process and to keep me from procrastinating? So, we told them that we would be doing the homestudy as soon as we received D.T.'s next teaching paycheck. Well, I guess that was not soon enough to suit her. Not long later (literally minutes), she came back over to me and slipped something into my hand. She told me not to worry about it. That we could just pay them back whenever. To start the homestudy the next day. She turned away, and I looked at the piece of paper in my hand. A check for the entire cost of our homestudy. I mean, who just walks over and gives someone a check for that much money??? It is interesting, though. I don't know if we would have had the courage to spend the money later on, even after we would have gotten his paycheck. There is definitely something to be said for the accountability of friends... and God's unique provision.
Someday, I will have a Memorial Box, but until then... today... I will open up my virtual Memorial Box and safely tuck inside... a blank check to remind me that God's bank account is never overdrawn! His available balance is always MORE than enough to meet our needs! His loan department never closes, either. After all, everything we have is on loan from Him! We are merely His stewards to do His will.
Thanks for this post! We took that first step and sent in our application and first check 6/1(God provided the exact amount we needed at our yardsale after we prayed that He would provide if it was His will that we start now, like I had been feeling led). We have managed to do some of the small document collecting items, but can't do the homsetudy because of the big ticket cost. I know and trust completely that He will provide in His perfect timing. We are fundraising and sharing our story and praying. We have no $ coming in so our HS start date is completely up in the air- so hard for this type A!! When I begin to doubt (as I'm so prone to do) I surround myself with my Memorial box memories and look back at the links I have to posts about His provision in adoption situations. Your post is meeting me and ministering to me right where I am- thank you!
Great story.....God's perfect love giving you just what you needed!
That is just awesome! He always provides!
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