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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Tuesday Tidbits...

18 pages to go!!!


Lately, it feels more like everyday tidbits, and not just Tuesday tidbits. Hmmm... my life is spinning so fast, I can't hold on!


I got an email from a blog reader who found me through another blog that I follow. Ha! A friend of a friend of a friend. :-) It's really cool, though. This is another waiting adoptive mom who was just looking for some encouragement, and it brings me such pleasure to be able to share my story. You know, that is one of the reasons why I started this blog in the first place. To share. To encourage. Then, in return, I am finding that I receive far more encouragement than I pass out. What a blessing to me! You know? We just need each other in this life!


We had another two hour delay today. My goodness, God seems to be chipping away at the Global Warming theory. ;-)


Can I just say that my sister and I are exactly alike! We say the same things at the same time in the same voice using exactly that same words! Oh. my. goodness. Like, you know when you make a phone call that doesn't go through properly and you hear your own voice bouncing back at you, but it sounds like it is actually her talking to you??? It is all just a little bit creepy. ;-)


We asked the agency that we were looking at in PA about whether or not we would have to do a new home study. The good news is that they said no. The other good news is that they said we would only have to update our home study. The bad news is that they said that PA requires new criminal background checks, including fingerprints EVERY YEAR. Um, we all know how that turned out for me before. Remember? I don't even want to go there. I'm thinking we move along to some other agencies that are not in the state of PA. I hear Florida is looking nice this time of year.


Goldie slept in her bed last night with her blanket. Of her own accord. Praise God! It's becoming a habit. :0)


So... what are some of the tidbits of your life right now? Do share!

1 comment:

-stephanie- said...

You're "sounding" chipper. Hang on to God. He won't let you spin away.

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