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Monday, February 22, 2010


There have been a handful of experiences in my life that I would label as life-changing. Some were short, momentary perhaps. Others were long and drawn out. All were life-changing.

My marriage.
My diagnosis with MS.
The realization that Christ is not content to be merely Savior.
The process of adoption.
Counseling 512.

Yes, yes, I know. How can one class make that much difference? It can, though. There are things about last week's class that I would certainly not be free to share with anyone who was not in the room. One thing I can tell you, though, is that it required me to do much personal work. Personal work, meaning, the giving and receiving - the sharing - of very intimate, often painful, pieces of our lives.

I can't exactly even say what is on my mind right now. There is just so much. In some ways, it has even made me not want to blog, and I find that a very strange phenomenon for myself. It is almost like this blog has been a place for me to share all the thoughts I have inside, and then last week, I was given the opportunity to do that in a different venue.

I still have much work to do, and I had hoped to do some of that this weekend with all of the alone time I had. Unfortunately, it didn't quite work out that way because the dizziness did not afford me the luxury of clear thought. I have a project to finish as well, and I am sure that God will bring clarity to many of those pieces as I work toward its completion. He even gave me a few very insightful thoughts the other day that I can use to get started. I won't share those right now. Perhaps, someday. I can't wait to see how it is all woven together!

Well, I can't think of much else to say right now. Actually, that's not true. I can think of things to say. I'm just noticing that I'm feeling (nice counselor lingo, huh ladies? :-P) like I don't want to share anymore right now.

Guess that's about it.

Living in His JOY, HOPE, and PEACE...

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