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Thursday, September 03, 2009

The JOY Challenge: Day 3

I am linking with Holley from in(courage) on her 40 day journey to find choose joy. Won't you join us? If you would like to jump back to day 1 of my journey, click here. Or, to jump back to day 1 of her journey, click here.

Today, I find choose joy in my Father's provision for us. There are a couple of things we have wanted to do in preparation for the adoption we have been pursuing.

First, we wanted to buy a crock pot so that we could be better stewards of our evening time since both of us work. We want to make room for more time as a family, and not quite as much time cooking... even though D.T. really does enjoy cooking. ;-) So, we bought one at W@lmart last night with money God provided. Now, I think we can safely save all the gourmet cooking times for the weekends.

Second, we need a pretty sizable chunk of cash to pay our adoption fees when the time comes for placement, and we have been doing our best to save. God has provided in incredible ways, and I am so joyful to say that we currently have right at 83% of the funds we need. Isn't God good?!?

Won't you join us? Leave a comment here about what you are joyful for, hop over to Holley's and leave a comment there, or blog at your place to tell us all about it. Or, do all three! :-)

Living in His JOY, HOPE, and PEACE...

***Don't forget to pray for someone today!


Stephanie Harbin said...

There are a lot of worse things that families could be doing together than cooking!!! I love my crock pot and use it a lot. I need to cook and eat with my daughter more. I am usually so tired when I come home from work that we go out to eat or get a bag of hamburgers. I went to a love and logic workshop last year. (I totally recomend their strategies.) He said that children 8 years old and up should plan and prepare at least one meal a week to feel like they were an important valuable member of the family. So my daughter started doing that this year. So far, she has fixed pizza and fish sticks, but still it is nice!

Unknown said...

I love this idea. I will have to start tomorrow as I am getting ready to head to work in about 10 minutes.

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