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Sunday, September 13, 2009

The JOY Challenge: Day 13

I am linking with Holley from in(courage) on her 40 day journey to choose joy. Won't you join us? If you would like to jump back to day 1 of my journey, click here. Or, to jump back to day 1 of her journey, click here.

Long day. Lots of school work. Classmate made it into town safely. Yay! New friend. :-)

Tonight, I choose joy in the clear thinking my Heavenly Father has given me to make it through all my class assignments and for the intelligence, opportunity, and stamina He has given D.T. to minister to students by teaching online classes (in addition to his regular job!). I am truly grateful and amazed by how He is providing financially for our family in this way. A year ago, I would have told you that I had no idea how we would ever have the money to adopt. Yet, with each term, we get a little bit closer. God is SO good... and D.T. works hard, too! :-)

How has God blessed you? What are you joyful for today?

Living in His JOY, HOPE, and PEACE...

***Don't forget to pray for someone today!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Joyfully is a wonderful way to live. Good luck in your challenge. For some reason, I was born chronically happy, but choosing joy is a great way to get there if you were not born with the happy gene! And God will help!

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