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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wordful Wednesday ~ and other random thoughts...

Spring, come back...

We have really enjoyed the little taste of spring we have gotten lately, but it keeps coming and going. I really wish it would come to stay! When did I get old enough that I started longing for spring the way my Gram used to?!? This is a picture of Goldie loving the warmth and the grass... that is, until she threw up which is why she was enjoying the grass to begin with. What's with dogs eating grass to make themselves throw up, anyway? Can you see the tight-lipped look on her face? That's the "I'm about to throw up" look. Ha! It made for a nice "longing for spring" picture! :-)

Round 2 goes to the dog... or does it?

Last night, D.T. laid down with Goldie on her bed for a few minutes. Oh, the things we do for our puppies! I thought he might have to sleep there all night to get her to stay. Actually, he said it was a very comfortable pillow. LoL! Fortunately, and to my amazement, after D.T. came to bed, Goldie slept in her bed from about 11 p.m. until 4:15 a.m.! Wow!!! Success! So far. I'm not holding my breath until I see a pattern of several nights. :-)

Is it any wonder I have trouble staying on a diet???

I really wish I could have y'all over to enjoy some of D.T.'s cooking! Seriously, I need some help eatin' all this stuff. I am really excited that someday soon we will get to meet my bloggy, soon to be real, friend Sparkette. Not that she's not real already. You know what I mean. :-)

Well, that's about it. For more Wordful Wednesdays, go visit Angie @ Seven Clown Circus!

Ciao for now!

Living in His JOY, HOPE, and PEACE...

***Don't forget to pray for someone today!


Melissa said...

yummy.... I would have a hard time resisting that too!!!

Your dog is like mine.... I swear they think they are human!! :)

He & Me + 3 said...

We want spring to stay around too. cold.
That picture of the doggie and DT is too funny. HOpe she gets used to the bed soon. The dog, not DT.

Unknown said...

That picture of them sleeping is too cute!

And that bread, well I could eat it all!!

Anonymous said...

I love the sleeping togetherness!

tiarastantrums said...

argh - fresh bread - kills it all the time

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

I'm longing for spring too! Love the pics...

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Yeah for Goldie! What a sweet daddy! Can't wait to see how he reacts when the baby won't sleep. Be sure to take a photo of him all curled up in the crib. :)

Claremont First Ward said...

What is that baked goodness? Is it bread or some sort of pie? I'm so glad you played today, and how fun that you'll get to meet Sparkette soon. I just became acquainted with Carla thanks to you. :)

heidi said...

Can you loan him to me to train my kids to stay in bed?

Have fun today!

Wendy Blight said...

Love the pictures of your dog!! It makes me miss our sweet Lab, CJ. I too love spring. We had a taste of it here in Charlotte the last few days, but the high tomorrow is supposed to be 48...yuck!!



Tanya said...

That bread looks great, I bet it tastes great too. Forget the diet, I heard people who cheat loose more weight anyway.

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