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Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me Monday! Fairytale style... RETURNS!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. After you are done here, be sure to head on over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

The Saga continues...

This week, in the land of perfection-evaded and good intentions, the King and Queen finally managed to do some (but not all) of the laundry that had been sitting in a spare chamber for quite a few -ahem- weeks. Perhaps even months. They really wonder where all the servants must have gone. Or perhaps the servants have never been more than a wishful figment of their imagination.

In doing this humongous pile of laundry, the King and Queen confirmed their suspicion that maintenance of the castle is really not their thing. Evidence of this could be found by the incredible build-up of softening agent in their cleaning mechanism...

The Queen found herself failing in quite a few areas this week, including eating restriction, daily exercise, and long-distance friend communication via technological means. Unfortunately, the scales of balance tipped a little, showing the Queen's need to return to her formerly established regimen. No more Sunday morning bakery items for her!

From the middle of the week on, her focus was much more on nursing her smallest beloved canine companion back to health. She hasn't shared this with the many friends of the kingdom yet, but Benjamin Henry (such a royal name, wouldn't you agree?) had a bit of a potty issue with blood. He's been known to get into a bit of mischief from time to time, eating items not intended for eating, so the King and Queen thought it best to have the royal physicians examine his abdominal and intestinal cavities for obstructions. Fortunately, there were none, so a night in the medical facility, some fluids to combat dehydration, and a soothing diet were enough to start him back on the road to good health.

Once back to the royal palace, Prince Benjamin Henry thought it best to rest a little on the princess's royal throne. After all, it looked quite comfy.

Plus, she hasn't been using it very much, preferring to invade the King and Queen's throne whenever possible. Being the quite spoiled, ornery princess that she is, and all...

The persons and events in this saga are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons or events in real life is entirely coincidental.

Living in His JOY, HOPE, and PEACE...

***Don't forget to pray for someone today!


-stephanie- said...

cute "story". I love a good fairy tale. I was so sick of my washer looking like that, that I quit using softener. Hope Prince Puppy feels better soon.

Unknown said...

Heh heh! I hope the prince feels better already! :)

purejoy said...

love the fairytale style!! congrats on top 5, too!
i have dogs that eat whatever, and it's always interesting to see how that works its way out. not uncommon to wake to the sounds of a dog vomitting (okay, i know, TMI) but at least it's in their crate and not on the carpet or the comforter!!
hope your puppy is feeling better!

Prachar family said...

I love your list and your fairy tale style!! As I started reading, I remember mount laundry in my own laundry room and went and got it started, THANKS! I used to have such a hard time keeping up with all the servant's duties at my house too until I developed my mom's cleaning system into my own chore box that reminds me to do all that cleaning on a regular basis in just a few minutes each day. I am just starting to make them up to sell to others like me who are domestically challenged! Check it out if you want at Thanks for the giggles this morning!

He & Me + 3 said...

Glad prince puppy is feeling a bit better. Maybe princess will get jealous and want her bed back. LOL
Sorry about the laundry.

He & Me + 3 said...

Glad that prince puppy is feeling a bit better. Maybe if he lays on the princess' bed she will get jealous and want it back. LOL
Sorry about the washer...problem.

Claire said...

Hee, too funny.


Emily said...

I'm awful when it comes to eating right and exercising.

King J's Queen said...

Enjoyed the fairy tale. This was my first visit to your blog. Thank you for sharing your testimony and your faith.

Anonymous said...

LOL...cute :) Hope Ben is good!

amanda said...

oh i hate washer issues. i have them all the time. well not all the time, but twice in the past month! that's all the time enough for me!! :0)

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