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Monday, April 20, 2009

Will it happen?

Will I actually complete a blog post today? and not just in my head?

I'm having a bit of blogger's block right now.

Ok, here goes.

We arrived safely on Saturday afternoon (Romania time) following a very smooth 4-hour drive to D.C., a 9+ hour flight to Switzerland, a 2 hour flight to Bucuresti, and a 1 hour drive to D.T.'s mom's apartment.

Is it any wonder I looked like this on the plane?

And can someone tell me why a guy can be tired, and still look like this? It's just not fair!

Alas, we did arrive,

and since then, we've been trying to adjust to the time change,


Oh my goodness, we are going to have so much more weight to lose when we go home!

visiting with family,

celebrating Easter (Romania is mainly Orthodox, so the country celebrates a week later than in America)

"Hristos a înviat!"
"Adevărat a înviat!"

People who attend local Orthodox churches walk home after midnight services on Easter,
bringing lit candles with them as a symbol of bringing "the Light of the world" to their homes.

and my birthday,

I've had three cakes so far for my birthday here!
This one the first night.

This one on my birthday yesterday.

And this one tonight.
La Multi Ani! ~ Happy Birthday!

and playing Santa Clause to D.T.'s best friend's boys.

Who's the OCD one now? ;-)

Yes, the big boys had more fun putting the nerf gun together
than the little boys got to have playing with it!

Like I said, everything has gone pretty smoothly with this trip so far. Well, except for the bottle of hair stuff that broke open and spilled all over one of the suitcases. And the flat iron that overheated, smoked, and melted from too much voltage... oh, but not until after it fried a piece of my hair. Yeah. I know. Nice.

So, let me answer one of your questions!!!
Amy said...

Just curious -- what kind of stuff do you take over there? Does his family have American stuff they really like for you to bring? Enjoy some good chocolate for me!! ;)

Answer: It's kind of funny because we always bring stuff that they can't find in Romania and we always take home stuff that we can't find in America. Sometimes, they are the same types of things (chocolate, deodorants, etc...), but we prefer what one place has over the other. For instance, we always take his mom things like Polygrip because the comparable products they have here in Romania are not always as effective. We always bring candy and presents for his best friend's children. We also usually bring lotions from B@th & B0dy W0rks for all the women. I mean, what woman doesn't like that, no matter what country she's in?!? :-) Lots of other stuff, but too much to list! You get the idea. ;-)

Well, I guess that's about it for now. I think now that I am caught up for the most part, I can do some smaller posts on a more regular basis. Tomorrow - more answers to your questions!

Oh, and I will tell you about something you are likely to see in Romania, but very seldom in America and something else that you always see in America, but almost never in Romania. Any guesses??? :-)

Living in His JOY, HOPE, and PEACE...

***Don't forget to pray for someone today!


Unknown said...

Bring some of those cake decorating and recipe tips back-I love the style! Looks like you are having a BEAUTIFUL "full" time! The eggs are so pretty too!

-stephanie- said...

Glad you made it safely. Your pictures are great. Thanks for sharing his family. and Happy Birthday! What a way to celebrate...with 3 cakes!

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

What a journey! So glad you arrived safely. Your cakes look delicious. Makes me hungry. Praying for a blessed rest of your trip and safe return.
And Happy Birthday!!!


Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys are having fun! Glad you made it there safely!

BTW, the cakes look yummy!! I can't wait for my birthday so I can eat a whole cake. Ok, maybe half a cake!

Enjoy your trip!!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Ok, your question requires that I think, which I just cannot allow to happen. :)
It always irritates me that my husband can pop right up out of bed and look like he's already had a shower and spend twenty minutes getting ready. Men.

Anonymous said...

Wow have you been busy or what?!

I hope you enjoyed your Birthday :) Looks like you did with that cake! MMM CAKE...

Oh sorry I am back. We are organzing clothes..I think you have gone back to bed so now I am going to get ready for bed!

Tanya said...

That's so incredible, thank you for sharing the pictures, it's just like my family, the exact same set up including the egg battle games.

dmelen said...

happy Birthday!!

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